Grow Your Meetup!

This workshop will cover how to grow an established meetup and will cover popular main topics:

  • Marketing: Tactics for how to grow your meetup size and how to advertise/attract potential sponsors and other surrounding meetups.
  • Formats & Creative Ideas: What formats and ideas have some meetups successfully used to avoid getting themselves into a “rut”?
  • WordCamps: How to use meetups to set up those who are interested in volunteering for organizer or speaker roles at the local WordCamp.

A wide variety of general tips will be shared that will be applicable to all meetup organizers and volunteers – even if you are just beginning to start your first meetup, this workshop will ensure you are starting off on the right foot. 🙂

Do you currently run a meetup? Then we encourage you to come prepared with your questions and share what problems or challenges you might be experiencing. Bring your success stories as well!
