Behavior-Driven Development in WordPress with Behat

Adding test coverage to your website and applications provides lots of benefits. For example, making sure requirements are met and preventing regressions from happening. One of the many approaches for testing is Behavior-Driven Development (BDD). This can be accomplished in WordPress using a series of tools: Behat, Mink, WordHat, and Selenium.

This session is for people who want to implement BDD in their WordPress projects. Through examples the role that each tool plays will be presented. The relationship among them and how they build on each other will also be exemplified.

By the end of it you will have an overview of how to use Behat, Mink, WordHat, and Selenium to write BDD tests for WordPress.

Learning objectives:

– How to set up Behat and WordHat to run tests for WordPress projects.
– How to write non-javascript enabled tests using driver Goutte driver.
– How to write javascript enabled tests using the Selenium driver.

